Book 13
Odsseus tells Alkinoos his story, and he is so touched by it that he promises Phaiakian man will give him a gift to build up is wealth to get back to Ithaka. The next day Alkinoos men row Odysseus back to Ithaka over night. Poseidon then gets mad that Odysseus has made it home so he goes and complains to Zeus, where Zeus tells him that he is a god and can take revenge on any mortal at any time. Poseidon then goes and turns the Phaiakians' ship in to stone so it sinks. Athena hides Odysseus with a protective cloud of mist so he doesnt know where he is. Athena then approaches him as a shepherd, and tells him that he is on the land of Ithaka. They hide is treasure, and she disguises Odysseus has a beggar as she goes to Sparta to bring Telemachos home.
Book 14
At first Odysseus is nearly attacked by dogs at swineherd's home. Eumaios then welcomes Odysseus into his home and offers him something to eat. Odysseus makes up a story about being a commener from Crete, who has gone through many of the things that Odysseus has gone through. After telling all his storied Eumaios gives Odysseus a cloak and tells him he can stay at the hut until Telemachos returns.
Book 15
Athena goes to Sparta and tells Telemachos that he needs to come home right away because Penelope is going to marry Eurymachos. She then gives him instructions to go to Eumaios as soon as he gets bach to Ithaka and have him tell Penelope that he is back. On Telemachos's way out he meets a decendant of Melampous.
Book 16
Telemachos arives at Eumaios house, he meets the beggar and offers him more food and gives him permission to stay with Eumaios. Later Odysseus then reveals himself to his son. They then come up with a plan to defeat the suitors. Odysseus tells Telemachos not to tell anyone that he has returned, but they then send a runner to tell the queen. This was stupid for two reasons they already sent someone and the runner is going to tell everyone, which means the suitors will hear. Medon saves the day though and over hears the suitors plan so he goes running back to tell Penelope. Odysseus and Telemachos make it safely away from the suitors.
Missing books 17-20