Be able to show three examples from the text to back up each of the following:
Loyalty: We see this with Penelope and how she doesn't kill Odysseus when he gets home and doesn't cheat on him while he is gone. Also with Eumaios and how he stays true to his master even though he has been gone for twenty years. Last Telemachos and how he goes to find his father.
Hospitality: Alcinoos saying he can stay in his home and he helps him home. Nausica when she gives him clothes when he washes up on the beach. Also Nestor when Telemachos vists Pylos and Nestor invites him to the feasts and welcomes him in.
Coming of Age: Telemachos going on the journey, Telemachos coming back and taking charge of the suitors, and
Forgetting (or the evils of drugs and women): Being with Circe, and being with Calypso, and the sirens lurer people to their death and make them forget
Be able to explain the following and why they are used:
Storytelling: they use the stories to retell the past events before the book
Back story of Troy
Other Epic elements:
Starts “in the middle of things”; Odysseus’ tragic flaw;
sports: its common hospitality to host sports and Odysseus has to prove that he is a man and an athlete after his long sea quest.
Be able to explain the following:
Birds (especially eagles); Hades; Odyssey’s Wound
GODS (know the following and what they do in the text)::
Athena: Helps Odysseus along the way
Poseidon: Doesn't like Odysseus and doesn't want him to come home
Hermes: The messanger god and tells Calypso to let him go
Zeus: The god of all the gods
Helios: The sun god and he owns the cattle that the men eat and then they are all killed because they eat the cattle
SEDUCTRESSES: (know the following and their purpose)
Helen; Calypso; Circe; Sirens
Be able to give a description of the following and their roles in the story (perhaps what the symbolize or represent – and connect to a theme)
Agammenon- He is Menelaus's brother. He is the King of one of the greek city states, and he was a leader of comined greek forces at Troy. His unfaithful wife Klytaimestra killed him when he came back from the Trojan War.
Amphinomos- He was a suitor who doesn't want to kill Telemachos, but in the end he is killed
Achilles- He is a Greek hero who fought against the Trojans. We meet him in the underworld, we learn that he had the chance to either live a long uneventful life or living a short and glorious life. He tells us in the underworld that he would rather be alive then be in the underworld.
Telemachos- Odysseus's son, and he goes and trys to find his father without telling his mother
Helen- Menelaus' s wife, she is Queen of Sparta. She helps Telemachos on his voyage to find his father
Laertes- Odysseus's father, he owns a farm, and kills Antinous's father
Menelaus-King of Sparta, brother to Agammenon, and wife to Helen. He helped to lead the Greeks in Trojan war. He also ofers to help Telemachos on his journey to find his dad.
Penelope- Odysseus's wife and mother to Telemachos. She now just sits in the palace waiting for Odysseus to come home
Aias (Ajax)- He raped Cassandra the Trojan princess
Antinoos- He is a suitor, and he is the one who leads the campaing to have Telemachos killed. He is the first one to be killed by Odysseus
Orestes- Is Agammenon's son and he kills Klytaimestra and her lover Aigisthos in vengace for his fathers death
Eurymachos- A suitor who also is plotting to kill Telemachos
Nestor- King of Pylos and a former warrior in the Trojan War
Lotus Eaters- They are basically druggies
Mentor- The elderly Ithakan, or Mentor, Athena in yet another disguise. He is a good guy though
Ciconians- They are the Thracian tribe, they joined the Trojans and fought against Odysseus
Nausicaa- She was the Phaeacians princess, daughter of Alkinoos and Arete. She finds Odysseus and brings him back to the palace.
Polyphemos- The one eyed monster that the Ithakans encounter on their way home
Alcinoos- He is the King of Phaeacians, and he offers Odysseus hospitality in his island kingdom of Scheria. He provides Odysseus a safe pasage back home to Ithaka.
Scylla- The Monster with six heads
Arete- The Queen of Phaeacians, wife of Alcinoos, and mother to Nausicaa
Charybdis- A whirlpool that swallows the sea and spits it back up
Emaios- He is an Ithaka swineherd who takes Odysseus in when he returns home in the disguise of a beggar
Aiolos- He is god of the winds, he gathers all the winds in a bag in hope to help Odysseus get home but Odysseus's men open the bag and all the winds come blowing out
Theoclymenos- He catches a ride with Telemachos on his way out of Sparta
Elpenor- One of Odysseus's men, and he fell off the roof of Circes. Odysseus then meets him in the underworld and asks for a proper burial
Melanthios- Ithakan goatherd, he insults Odysseus and isn't very nice to him. He is the one who arms the suitors during battle, but is tortured before he dies
Teiresias- A blind prophet who helps Odysseus in the underworld
Eurylochos- One of the Ithakans traveling back with Odysseus from Troy. He refuses to enter Circe's hall, he also convinced everyone to stay a night at Thrinakia which resulted in everyone dying except for Odysseus
Eurycleia- She is an aged and loyal survent who nursed Odysseus and Telemachos as babies. She helps keep Telemachos's journey safe from Penelope, she also keeps Odysseus's identity a secret after seeing the scar on his leg
Cassandra- A Trojan princess who was raped and killed by Aias on the altar of Athena
Tityo- Son of Zeus, gets his liver eaten out every day
Tantalus- He was in Hades and can't eat or drink
Sisyphus- He was in hell and he was the one trying to roll the rock up the mountain
1) How does the Odyssey start “in the middle of things”?
It starts in the middle of things because in the beggining of the book Odysseus is already gone, and then throughout the book they recounter Odysseus's adventures home.
2) What is Odysseus’ tragic flaw and how is it shown?
Odysseus is very prideful. It is shown all over but is very important when they are about to get away from the Cyclops and Odysseus starts bragging and tells him how he is the great Odysseus. Mostly everyone he meets he tells them all his stories of his travels and he is just very prideful of him self.
3) Explain the motif of Agammenon and Clytaimnestra. What theme does it reinforce?
Agammenon returned home from Troy and Clytaimnestra had been cheating on him with Aigithos, so being the unfaithful wife she is she kills Agammenon. It reinforces the theme of loyalty because it is showing how loyal of a wife Penelope is to Odysseus.
4) Who are seductresses in the Odyssey and what purpose do they serve?
Helen, Calypso, the sirens, and Circe. They are in the book because they are an obstacle to the men to help lead them astray.
5) Summarizes Books 1-4. What story do they tell?
In books 1-4 we learn about Telemachoas and the idea of him becoming of age and trying to go find his father. In book one we learn that Telemachoas's father Odysseous, has been missing for like twetnty years. Since Odysseous is gone his wife Penelope is all alone at home. All these suitors come to their house and Telemachoas is mad becasue they are eating all his food, drinking all the wine, and trying to take his mother. Athena is there dressed as Mentes trying to help him. Telemachoas has a meeting with all the men in town to complain about the suitors. Later that night he meets with Athena and she tells him that he should go on a journey to find his father. So that night she goes out desgiused as Telemachoas and finds him a crew of men for the boat. Telemachoas first stop on his journey was Pylos, were he delivers a speech. We learn about how when Agamennon got home from Troy he was killed by his wife. Telemachoas also goes on a trip to Sparta. While in Sparta Menelaos is hosting double wedding party. His wife Helen drugs the mens wine with an an anodyne that makes them forget hoping to make them forget all their sorrows. The next day when Telemachoas is about to leave Menelaos gives him a silver bowl set. Penelope finds out about her sons voyage so she prays to Athena. Athena hears her and sends her an image of the queens sister. Penelope wakes up feeling refreshed and the suitors are outside waiting to ambush which won't go well for them.
Story the tell- It is trying to tell us about the coming of age and how Odysseus needs to step up and stop being such a litle boy.
6) Summarize Books 5-8. What story do they tell?
Athena begs Zeus to help odysseus so he sends his messanger Hermes Calypso's island and tells her she needs to let Odysseus go. Calypso and Odysseus build a raft and make sure that he has food and water to last him. He thens sets out on the fifth day everything is fine until Posiedon returns from hanging out at the end of the world and isn't happy to see Odysseus has set sail. Posiedon then sends a strom towards Odysseus making his boat sink and almost drowning him. Ino the Queen of the Sea then comes up to help Odyssus, she gives him her veil and tells him to swim. He then reaches shore prays to the river god that he can get some sleep, and goes and lays in some bushes.
Athena is in the place were Odysseus has crash landed and goes over to princess Nausikaa. She enters the girls dream as her friend and tells her that she needs to think about getting married. Then when Nausikaa goes down to the river to wash her clothes she finds Odysseus. He tells her his story and she decideds to help him. Nausikaa tells Odysseus about her people and takes him into to town were it all depends on the Queens anwser. So he wates out side in the garden and prays to Ahtena.
Odysseus is disguised in a cold of sea mist so no one can see him wander the streets. He meets up with Athena who is dressed as child and asks the little girl for directions. The little girl leads Odysseus to the palace and tells him about the land and the ruling family. The Queen is Arete and the King is Alkinoos. Odysseus gets to the palace and hugs the Queens knees, the mist then disappears and everyone shocked. Everyone begins to serve Odysseus and they all ask if he is a god, he tells them that he is not. When Queen Arete asks why he has her daughters clothes on he doesnt really know how to explain it to her. King Alkinoos offers Nausikaas hand in marriage, but Osysseus says no and thats okay cause the Kings men will take him home.
They King oreders his men to get the ship ready to take Odysseus home. Later they have a banquet and play games and tell stories.
7) Summarize Books 20-24. What story do they tell?
Book 21
In book 21 it starts off with Penelope removing Odyseseus's bow from its honor on the wall. The Queen starts to tell the suitors about the contest and all the details. Eumaios and Philoitios have a mental breakdown because Penelope has given up on her husband returing back home. Telemachos is the first to string the bow because he wants to show his sttrength and manliness. Odysseus then tells him not to do so they then move on to the first suitor who fails. Antinoös orders Melanthios to try in cheat in hopes of stringing the bow. Odysseus sees Eumaios and Philoitios so he tells them its him and shows them his scar. When Odysseus wants a chance at stringing the bow all the suitors tell him no. Penelope then lets him have a chance, and Telemachos tells Penelope that she needs to go upstairs and be a women. Telemachos tells Eurykleia to tell all the women to go to their rooms and tell them not to come out until they are allowed even if they hear sounds of battle. Odysseus sucssefully strings the bow and all the suitors make fun of him for taking so long.
Book 22
Odysseus and Telemachos start killing all the suitors, but the suitors start running because they have no weapons. Telemachos trys to have Odysseus stop killing all the good suitors but Odysseus doesnt stop. Telemachos goes and gets more weapons, but leaves the door open and now the suitors have weapons. Odysseus also kills twelve of the of the maids. Odysseus purifies the hall and everything is back to normal.
Book 23
Eurykleia tells Penelope that Odysseus is back but she doesn't beleive her. She finally sees Odysseus, but she won't know him until she tells her their secret about the bed, and how he built it around a tree and used the one as the bed posts so no one can move the bed. They then sleep together again after twenty years and stayed up all night talking. Odysseus then tells Penelope that he is going to see his father so he orders her to go upstairs and lock themselves away from any avengers from town. Odysseus, Telemachos, and the herdsmen then go see Laertes and Athena covers them with a dark cloud.
Book 24
Odysseus reaches the land where his father lives and he finds his dad plowing the land. Odysseus trys testing Laertes loyalty by insulting his aperance and telling him that he once housed Odysseus on his voage home. Laertes responds by thanking him for helping his son. Odysseus then shows him his scar and tells him that it is him. They then walk back to the farm house were they find out that everyone knows about the massive slaughter. No one is worried though because they know the gods are on Odysseus's side. Odysseus friends are ready to fight and Laertes kills Eupeithes with a spear right through the helmet. Athena then yells at everyone to stop and have peace. She tells them that is they don't stop Zeus will be mad, so they all stop and Ithaka is back to normal.
8) Discuss the theme of Loyalty and give three detailed examples from the book.
Loyalty- Putting someone before yourself and always staying true to them. We see this with Penelope and how she doesn't kill Odysseus when he gets home and doesn't cheat on him while he is gone. Also with Eumaios and how he stays true to his master even though he has been gone for twenty years. Last Telemachos and how he goes to find his father.
9) Discuss the theme of Hospitality and give three detailed examples from the book.
Hospitality- People being generous and treating their guests friendly. Alcinoos saying Odyssseus can stay in his home and he helps him home. Nausica when she gives him clothes when he washes up on the beach. Also Nestor when Telemachos vists Pylos and Nestor invites him to the feasts and welcomes him in.
10) Discuss the back-story of Troy, where it appears and what it represents.
The war between the Greeks and the people of Troy. It began after the Trojan prince Paris abducted Helen, wife of Menelaus. When Menelaus demanded her return, but Trojans refused. Menelaus then persuaded his brother Agamemnon to lead an army against Troy.
Odysseus fought this war. After, on his way back to Ithaca he was held on Calyspo's island for seven years and then finally returned back home after 20. It represents what lead up to everything that is in place now and it appears in book three telling us why Odysseus has been gone.
11) Discuss the symbol of Hades. What does it represent? Who is there? What do they say or do there?
Hades is the land of the dead, the final resting place for departed souls, a very dark afterlife. It is a symbol to bring everything together. Teiresias, Achilles, and Anticlea. Achilles says he would rather have a long life than a short life, Teiresias say Posidon is the one punishing him because he blinded his son, and Anticlea says she killed her self because she thought her son was dead and then she would be able to meet him in the underworld. It represents
12) Discuss the symbol of birds. What does it represent? Give three examples from the book?
Birds are used to describe omans. Penelope sees an eagle killing all her geese, showing that Odysseus is coming to kill the suitors. Second Amphinomos sees an eagle carrying a dove in its tallens showing Odysseus is coming to kill them. Last Athena takes the form of a bird showing her sligh side.
The following questions are worth 2 point each.
Give a description of the following characters and their roles in the story.
13) Achilles- He is a Greek hero who fought against the Trojans. We meet him in the underworld, we learn that he had the chance to either live a long uneventful life or living a short and glorious life. He tells us in the underworld that he would rather be alive then be in the underworld.
14) Antinoos-The suitor and he is the one who starts the campainge to have Telemachos killed, and he is the first one killed by Odyssesus.
15) Emurymachos- He is also a suitor and helps in the plotting to kill Odysseus
16) Nausicaa- She was the Phaeacians princess, daughter of Alkinoos and Arete. She finds Odysseus and brings him back to the palace. She relates to the theme of hospitality
17) Scylla- The six headed monster who kills most of Odysseus's men
18) Charybdis- The a sea monster that opens her mouth and everything is sucked in
19) Aiolos- He is the god of the winds. He helps Odysseus by putting all the winds in a bag to help him get home, but Odysseus's men open the bag and the winds go blowing out. He would fit the theme of loyalty
20) Laertes- Odysseus's father, has a garden, is sad over the loss of his son everyday. He fits the theme of loyalty
21) Orestes- Is Agammenon's son and he kills Klytaimestra and her lover Aigisthos in vengace for his fathers death. He would be the theme of loyalty too because he is being loyal to his father by killing the people who killed his father
22) Nestor- King of Pylos and he was a former warrior in the Trojan War
Monday, May 18, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Summary 21-24
Book 21
In book 21 it starts off with Penelope removing Odyseseus's bow from its honor on the wall. The Queen starts to tell the suitors about the contest and all the details. Eumaios and Philoitios have a mental breakdown because Penelope has given up on her husband returing back home. Telemachos is the first to string the bow because he wants to show his sttrength and manliness. Odysseus then tells him not to do so they then move on to the first suitor who fails. Antinoös orders Melanthios to try in cheat in hopes of stringing the bow. Odysseus sees Eumaios and Philoitios so he tells them its him and shows them his scar. When Odysseus wants a chance at stringing the bow all the suitors tell him no. Penelope then lets him have a chance, and Telemachos tells Penelope that she needs to go upstairs and be a women. Telemachos tells Eurykleia to tell all the women to go to their rooms and tell them not to come out until they are allowed even if they hear sounds of battle. Odysseus sucssefully strings the bow and all the suitors make fun of him for taking so long.
Book 22
Odysseus and Telemachos start killing all the suitors, but the suitors start running because they have no weapons. Telemachos trys to have Odysseus stop killing all the good suitors but Odysseus doesnt stop. Telemachos goes and gets more weapons, but leaves the door open and now the suitors have weapons. Odysseus also kills twelve of the of the maids. Odysseus purifies the hall and everything is back to normal.
Book 23
Eurykleia tells Penelope that Odysseus is back but she doesn't beleive her. She finally sees Odysseus, but she won't know him until she tells her their secret about the bed, and how he built it around a tree and used the one as the bed posts so no one can move the bed. They then sleep together again after twenty years and stayed up all night talking. Odysseus then tells Penelope that he is going to see his father so he orders her to go upstairs and lock themselves away from any avengers from town. Odysseus, Telemachos, and the herdsmen then go see Laertes and Athena covers them with a dark cloud.
Book 24
Odysseus reaches the land where his father lives and he finds his dad plowing the land. Odysseus trys testing Laertes loyalty by insulting his aperance and telling him that he once housed Odysseus on his voage home. Laertes responds by thanking him for helping his son. Odysseus then shows him his scar and tells him that it is him. They then walk back to the farm house were they find out that everyone knows about the massive slaughter. No one is worried though because they know the gods are on Odysseus's side. Odysseus friends are ready to fight and Laertes kills Eupeithes with a spear right through the helmet. Athena then yells at everyone to stop and have peace. She tells them that is they don't stop Zeus will be mad, so they all stop and Ithaka is back to normal.
Theme: Loyalty
In book 21 it starts off with Penelope removing Odyseseus's bow from its honor on the wall. The Queen starts to tell the suitors about the contest and all the details. Eumaios and Philoitios have a mental breakdown because Penelope has given up on her husband returing back home. Telemachos is the first to string the bow because he wants to show his sttrength and manliness. Odysseus then tells him not to do so they then move on to the first suitor who fails. Antinoös orders Melanthios to try in cheat in hopes of stringing the bow. Odysseus sees Eumaios and Philoitios so he tells them its him and shows them his scar. When Odysseus wants a chance at stringing the bow all the suitors tell him no. Penelope then lets him have a chance, and Telemachos tells Penelope that she needs to go upstairs and be a women. Telemachos tells Eurykleia to tell all the women to go to their rooms and tell them not to come out until they are allowed even if they hear sounds of battle. Odysseus sucssefully strings the bow and all the suitors make fun of him for taking so long.
Book 22
Odysseus and Telemachos start killing all the suitors, but the suitors start running because they have no weapons. Telemachos trys to have Odysseus stop killing all the good suitors but Odysseus doesnt stop. Telemachos goes and gets more weapons, but leaves the door open and now the suitors have weapons. Odysseus also kills twelve of the of the maids. Odysseus purifies the hall and everything is back to normal.
Book 23
Eurykleia tells Penelope that Odysseus is back but she doesn't beleive her. She finally sees Odysseus, but she won't know him until she tells her their secret about the bed, and how he built it around a tree and used the one as the bed posts so no one can move the bed. They then sleep together again after twenty years and stayed up all night talking. Odysseus then tells Penelope that he is going to see his father so he orders her to go upstairs and lock themselves away from any avengers from town. Odysseus, Telemachos, and the herdsmen then go see Laertes and Athena covers them with a dark cloud.
Book 24
Odysseus reaches the land where his father lives and he finds his dad plowing the land. Odysseus trys testing Laertes loyalty by insulting his aperance and telling him that he once housed Odysseus on his voage home. Laertes responds by thanking him for helping his son. Odysseus then shows him his scar and tells him that it is him. They then walk back to the farm house were they find out that everyone knows about the massive slaughter. No one is worried though because they know the gods are on Odysseus's side. Odysseus friends are ready to fight and Laertes kills Eupeithes with a spear right through the helmet. Athena then yells at everyone to stop and have peace. She tells them that is they don't stop Zeus will be mad, so they all stop and Ithaka is back to normal.
Theme: Loyalty
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Summary 17-20
Book 17
Telemachos goes to check on his mom and tells her to go get ready. Penelope keeps asking for news of Odysseus. Telemachos tells her that Odysseus was last seen on the island of Kalypso. Theoklymenos then interupts and tells Penelope that Odysseus is back in Ithaka and plotting revenge. Odysseus and Eumaios run into Melanthios on their way into town. Melanthios mocks and abuses the beggar, but all Odysseus does is pray to the gods asking that Melathios gets what he deserves. They then reach the hall and before they go in Odysseus recognizes a dog named Argos, he was the one who trained this dog but never got the chance to take him hunting. The dog dies and they all enter the hall. Eumaios sits by Telemachos and then Odysseus comes in dressed as the beggar, he goes all around the table begging for food. He uses this as strategy for who goes on the good list and who goes on the bad list. They all give him food until Melanthios insults the man and regonizes him as the same old beggar. Antinoös yells at Eumaios for bringing a beggar into the hall. Odysseus then begs for Antinoös to give him some food, he refuses and throws a footstool at him. Penelope then hears all this noise and trys meeting with Odysseus but he tells her he will meet with her latter.
Book 18
A fight begins between the two beggars Odysseus and then the real beggar Iros. Iros doesn't think the town is big enough for there two be two beggars. Antinoös then sees that they are fighting and says that the winner will receive a prize of fat blood pudding. He then goes on by saying Iros will be beaten and castrated if Odysseus beats him. Odysseus only strikes Iros once and his jaw breaks. Athena puts Penelope to sleep for a little bit and makes her more beautiful then she already is and also inspires her to show her self to the suitors. Odysseus then tries to test Penelope's maids and Eurymachos gets mad and throws another footstool at him. Amphinomos then brings everyone back together and turns their attention to the banquet and away from fighting.
Book 19
Penelope has become so desperate that she is plannning on marrying a suitor so she can get out of Telemachos's house and let him live in peace. The beggar tells a little about him self to Penelope. When Eurykleia is giving Odysseus a foot bath she notices a resemblance of the beggar and the Odysseus, but the beggar just says oh I get that a lot. Odysseus then rembemers that he needs hide his scare or they will notice that its him. Eurykleia finds it though and realizes that its Odysseus so she starts to freak. Luckly she promises to keep it a secret. Penelope then tells Odysseus that she is ending the courtship tomorrow with a contest. The suitors must string Odysseus's old bow and shoot an arrow through twelve consecutive axe heads. She will then marry the suitor that wins.
Book 20
Odysseus lays down and goes to sleep on Penelope's floor. Athena shows up and give Odysseus a speach while Penelope is upstairs crying. Penelope prays for death and dreams that Odysseus comes back, but she doesnt beleive in good omen. When Odysseus wakes up he asks Zeus for a sign that he was meant to come home. So Zeus sends a thunderclap through the perfectly clear sky. A maid hears the thunder and prays that all her hard work to feed the suitors will soon be over. She also asks that all the suitors die. We then meet Philoitios who is very nice and welcomes the beggar, and he notes his resemblance to Odysseus. At the end of book twenty Theoklymenos has a vision of the hall filled with dripping blood and shades of the dead but no one cares and they all just laugh at him.
Telemachos goes to check on his mom and tells her to go get ready. Penelope keeps asking for news of Odysseus. Telemachos tells her that Odysseus was last seen on the island of Kalypso. Theoklymenos then interupts and tells Penelope that Odysseus is back in Ithaka and plotting revenge. Odysseus and Eumaios run into Melanthios on their way into town. Melanthios mocks and abuses the beggar, but all Odysseus does is pray to the gods asking that Melathios gets what he deserves. They then reach the hall and before they go in Odysseus recognizes a dog named Argos, he was the one who trained this dog but never got the chance to take him hunting. The dog dies and they all enter the hall. Eumaios sits by Telemachos and then Odysseus comes in dressed as the beggar, he goes all around the table begging for food. He uses this as strategy for who goes on the good list and who goes on the bad list. They all give him food until Melanthios insults the man and regonizes him as the same old beggar. Antinoös yells at Eumaios for bringing a beggar into the hall. Odysseus then begs for Antinoös to give him some food, he refuses and throws a footstool at him. Penelope then hears all this noise and trys meeting with Odysseus but he tells her he will meet with her latter.
Book 18
A fight begins between the two beggars Odysseus and then the real beggar Iros. Iros doesn't think the town is big enough for there two be two beggars. Antinoös then sees that they are fighting and says that the winner will receive a prize of fat blood pudding. He then goes on by saying Iros will be beaten and castrated if Odysseus beats him. Odysseus only strikes Iros once and his jaw breaks. Athena puts Penelope to sleep for a little bit and makes her more beautiful then she already is and also inspires her to show her self to the suitors. Odysseus then tries to test Penelope's maids and Eurymachos gets mad and throws another footstool at him. Amphinomos then brings everyone back together and turns their attention to the banquet and away from fighting.
Book 19
Penelope has become so desperate that she is plannning on marrying a suitor so she can get out of Telemachos's house and let him live in peace. The beggar tells a little about him self to Penelope. When Eurykleia is giving Odysseus a foot bath she notices a resemblance of the beggar and the Odysseus, but the beggar just says oh I get that a lot. Odysseus then rembemers that he needs hide his scare or they will notice that its him. Eurykleia finds it though and realizes that its Odysseus so she starts to freak. Luckly she promises to keep it a secret. Penelope then tells Odysseus that she is ending the courtship tomorrow with a contest. The suitors must string Odysseus's old bow and shoot an arrow through twelve consecutive axe heads. She will then marry the suitor that wins.
Book 20
Odysseus lays down and goes to sleep on Penelope's floor. Athena shows up and give Odysseus a speach while Penelope is upstairs crying. Penelope prays for death and dreams that Odysseus comes back, but she doesnt beleive in good omen. When Odysseus wakes up he asks Zeus for a sign that he was meant to come home. So Zeus sends a thunderclap through the perfectly clear sky. A maid hears the thunder and prays that all her hard work to feed the suitors will soon be over. She also asks that all the suitors die. We then meet Philoitios who is very nice and welcomes the beggar, and he notes his resemblance to Odysseus. At the end of book twenty Theoklymenos has a vision of the hall filled with dripping blood and shades of the dead but no one cares and they all just laugh at him.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Summary 13-16
Book 13
Odsseus tells Alkinoos his story, and he is so touched by it that he promises Phaiakian man will give him a gift to build up is wealth to get back to Ithaka. The next day Alkinoos men row Odysseus back to Ithaka over night. Poseidon then gets mad that Odysseus has made it home so he goes and complains to Zeus, where Zeus tells him that he is a god and can take revenge on any mortal at any time. Poseidon then goes and turns the Phaiakians' ship in to stone so it sinks. Athena hides Odysseus with a protective cloud of mist so he doesnt know where he is. Athena then approaches him as a shepherd, and tells him that he is on the land of Ithaka. They hide is treasure, and she disguises Odysseus has a beggar as she goes to Sparta to bring Telemachos home.
Book 14
At first Odysseus is nearly attacked by dogs at swineherd's home. Eumaios then welcomes Odysseus into his home and offers him something to eat. Odysseus makes up a story about being a commener from Crete, who has gone through many of the things that Odysseus has gone through. After telling all his storied Eumaios gives Odysseus a cloak and tells him he can stay at the hut until Telemachos returns.
Book 15
Athena goes to Sparta and tells Telemachos that he needs to come home right away because Penelope is going to marry Eurymachos. She then gives him instructions to go to Eumaios as soon as he gets bach to Ithaka and have him tell Penelope that he is back. On Telemachos's way out he meets a decendant of Melampous.
Book 16
Telemachos arives at Eumaios house, he meets the beggar and offers him more food and gives him permission to stay with Eumaios. Later Odysseus then reveals himself to his son. They then come up with a plan to defeat the suitors. Odysseus tells Telemachos not to tell anyone that he has returned, but they then send a runner to tell the queen. This was stupid for two reasons they already sent someone and the runner is going to tell everyone, which means the suitors will hear. Medon saves the day though and over hears the suitors plan so he goes running back to tell Penelope. Odysseus and Telemachos make it safely away from the suitors.
Odsseus tells Alkinoos his story, and he is so touched by it that he promises Phaiakian man will give him a gift to build up is wealth to get back to Ithaka. The next day Alkinoos men row Odysseus back to Ithaka over night. Poseidon then gets mad that Odysseus has made it home so he goes and complains to Zeus, where Zeus tells him that he is a god and can take revenge on any mortal at any time. Poseidon then goes and turns the Phaiakians' ship in to stone so it sinks. Athena hides Odysseus with a protective cloud of mist so he doesnt know where he is. Athena then approaches him as a shepherd, and tells him that he is on the land of Ithaka. They hide is treasure, and she disguises Odysseus has a beggar as she goes to Sparta to bring Telemachos home.
Book 14
At first Odysseus is nearly attacked by dogs at swineherd's home. Eumaios then welcomes Odysseus into his home and offers him something to eat. Odysseus makes up a story about being a commener from Crete, who has gone through many of the things that Odysseus has gone through. After telling all his storied Eumaios gives Odysseus a cloak and tells him he can stay at the hut until Telemachos returns.
Book 15
Athena goes to Sparta and tells Telemachos that he needs to come home right away because Penelope is going to marry Eurymachos. She then gives him instructions to go to Eumaios as soon as he gets bach to Ithaka and have him tell Penelope that he is back. On Telemachos's way out he meets a decendant of Melampous.
Book 16
Telemachos arives at Eumaios house, he meets the beggar and offers him more food and gives him permission to stay with Eumaios. Later Odysseus then reveals himself to his son. They then come up with a plan to defeat the suitors. Odysseus tells Telemachos not to tell anyone that he has returned, but they then send a runner to tell the queen. This was stupid for two reasons they already sent someone and the runner is going to tell everyone, which means the suitors will hear. Medon saves the day though and over hears the suitors plan so he goes running back to tell Penelope. Odysseus and Telemachos make it safely away from the suitors.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Summary 9-12
Book 9
Odysseus tells them about all that has happened on his ten year journey back home. He tells him about the Cyclops Polyphemos, and how they decided to take a sharpend pole and try to blind him. They then later find out that it is Poseidon's son which isn't good because now Poseidon is even more mad at Odysseus. Odysseus and his men finnaly get away from Polyphemos but has they are pulling away Odysessus can't help but taughnt Polyphemos. As he is taunting him he gives away his name so Polyphemos goes and prays to Poseinon hoping Odysseus won't make it home but if he does he will at least make it home with no companions.
Book 10
They reach the island of Aiolia, were they are welcomed and share their story of the Trojan War. The island is ruled by Aiolos the god of the winds, so on their way out Aiolos gives Odysseus a bag a winds. That way on their way home they will only have west winds to blow them back home. On their way back his men think he is lying to them so while Odysseus is sleeping they open the sack and all the winds come blowing out. They then have to go back to Aiolia and ask for help but Aiolos refuses so the row for six more days to land of Lamos but when they get there the King Anitphates greats them by falling on the first man and drinking his blood. They then went to the island Aiaia were we meet Circe. Odysseus sends his men out to explore but Eurylochos comes back saying she has turned the rest of the men into pigs. As Odysseus goes to save his men Hermes warns him about Molly and how he will have to agree to sleeping with her so she doesnt use any magic against him. He follows all the instructions and Circe turns all the men back into human form. They stay there for a year, but before they can all go home they have to visit the underworld to get directions from the prophet Teiresias. Odysseus also looses one of his crew member Elpenor because he fell off the roof.
Book 11
In the Underworld Odysseus makaes the offereings like Circe told him to. The ghosts then drink blood and start talking to Odysseus. Odysseus realizes that Elpenor is dead and that she wants burial mound for his dead body. He also sees what looks like his mother and finds out that she has died. Teiresias then enters giving him tips he tells him not to eat Helios's cattle at Thrinakia and tells him that he will survive alone. Teiresias also warns him about the suitors that he will have to defend when he gets home. At the end he tells him that he needs to go to an area of earth which has never known the sea and he needs to pray to Poseidon in order for him to die pecefully surroned by his family. Odysseus then goes and talks to his mother and she tells him about what is going on back in Ithaka. Odysseus leaves the underworld with lots of treasure. He tells king Alkinoos about how he heard the stories of Agamemnon and many other people. Odysseus praises Achilleus for earning so much glory in his life and having like the greatest death ever. Achilleus hates being dead though and would rather be a poor country farmer. He then visits with many more people until he is overwhelmed and runs back to his ship.
Book 12
Odysseus and his men return to Aiaia and do what they are told with Elpenor's body. Circe then warns Odysseus about his routes home the one with moving rocks that the ship won't be able to get through, the second the Skylla a six headed seamonster that eats men and Charybdis a whirlpool that sucks in and vomits out the sea three times a day. She tells him that the best rout would be to hug the rocks and sacrfice six of his men instead of all. The last tip she tells him is not to kill any of Helio's cattle unless he wants to loose all his men, they then set sail. They barely make it past the sea monster and finally reach the land Thrinakia, while they are there he doesn't listen to any of the gods and eats one of his biggest cattle. Helios then asks Zeus for revenage so Zeus destroies Odysseus's ship. All of the men die except for Odysseus. The sea then floats him back to Skylla and Charybdis, but he only manages by jumping onto a tree. Then after nine days he reaches the island of Ogygia were Calypso keeps him for seven years.
Odysseus tells them about all that has happened on his ten year journey back home. He tells him about the Cyclops Polyphemos, and how they decided to take a sharpend pole and try to blind him. They then later find out that it is Poseidon's son which isn't good because now Poseidon is even more mad at Odysseus. Odysseus and his men finnaly get away from Polyphemos but has they are pulling away Odysessus can't help but taughnt Polyphemos. As he is taunting him he gives away his name so Polyphemos goes and prays to Poseinon hoping Odysseus won't make it home but if he does he will at least make it home with no companions.
Book 10
They reach the island of Aiolia, were they are welcomed and share their story of the Trojan War. The island is ruled by Aiolos the god of the winds, so on their way out Aiolos gives Odysseus a bag a winds. That way on their way home they will only have west winds to blow them back home. On their way back his men think he is lying to them so while Odysseus is sleeping they open the sack and all the winds come blowing out. They then have to go back to Aiolia and ask for help but Aiolos refuses so the row for six more days to land of Lamos but when they get there the King Anitphates greats them by falling on the first man and drinking his blood. They then went to the island Aiaia were we meet Circe. Odysseus sends his men out to explore but Eurylochos comes back saying she has turned the rest of the men into pigs. As Odysseus goes to save his men Hermes warns him about Molly and how he will have to agree to sleeping with her so she doesnt use any magic against him. He follows all the instructions and Circe turns all the men back into human form. They stay there for a year, but before they can all go home they have to visit the underworld to get directions from the prophet Teiresias. Odysseus also looses one of his crew member Elpenor because he fell off the roof.
Book 11
In the Underworld Odysseus makaes the offereings like Circe told him to. The ghosts then drink blood and start talking to Odysseus. Odysseus realizes that Elpenor is dead and that she wants burial mound for his dead body. He also sees what looks like his mother and finds out that she has died. Teiresias then enters giving him tips he tells him not to eat Helios's cattle at Thrinakia and tells him that he will survive alone. Teiresias also warns him about the suitors that he will have to defend when he gets home. At the end he tells him that he needs to go to an area of earth which has never known the sea and he needs to pray to Poseidon in order for him to die pecefully surroned by his family. Odysseus then goes and talks to his mother and she tells him about what is going on back in Ithaka. Odysseus leaves the underworld with lots of treasure. He tells king Alkinoos about how he heard the stories of Agamemnon and many other people. Odysseus praises Achilleus for earning so much glory in his life and having like the greatest death ever. Achilleus hates being dead though and would rather be a poor country farmer. He then visits with many more people until he is overwhelmed and runs back to his ship.
Book 12
Odysseus and his men return to Aiaia and do what they are told with Elpenor's body. Circe then warns Odysseus about his routes home the one with moving rocks that the ship won't be able to get through, the second the Skylla a six headed seamonster that eats men and Charybdis a whirlpool that sucks in and vomits out the sea three times a day. She tells him that the best rout would be to hug the rocks and sacrfice six of his men instead of all. The last tip she tells him is not to kill any of Helio's cattle unless he wants to loose all his men, they then set sail. They barely make it past the sea monster and finally reach the land Thrinakia, while they are there he doesn't listen to any of the gods and eats one of his biggest cattle. Helios then asks Zeus for revenage so Zeus destroies Odysseus's ship. All of the men die except for Odysseus. The sea then floats him back to Skylla and Charybdis, but he only manages by jumping onto a tree. Then after nine days he reaches the island of Ogygia were Calypso keeps him for seven years.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Summary 5-8
Athena begs Zeus to help odysseus so he sends his messanger Hermes Calypso's island and tells her she needs to let Odysseus go. Calypso and Odysseus build a raft and make sure that he has food and water to last him. He thens sets out on the fifth day everything is fine until Posiedon returns from hanging out at the end of the world and isn't happy to see Odysseus has set sail. Posiedon then sends a strom towards Odysseus making his boat sink and almost drowning him. Ino the Queen of the Sea then comes up to help Odyssus, she gives him her veil and tells him to swim. He then reaches shore prays to the river god that he can get some sleep, and goes and lays in some bushes.
Athena is in the place were Odysseus has crash landed and goes over to princess Nausikaa. She enters the girls dream as her friend and tells her that she needs to think about getting married. Then when Nausikaa goes down to the river to wash her clothes she finds Odysseus. He tells her his story and she decideds to help him. Nausikaa tells Odysseus about her people and takes him into to town were it all depends on the Queens anwser. So he wates out side in the garden and prays to Ahtena.
Odysseus is disguised in a cold of sea mist so no one can see him wander the streets. He meets up with Athena who is dressed as child and asks the little girl for directions. The little girl leads Odysseus to the palace and tells him about the land and the ruling family. The Queen is Arete and the King is Alkinoos. Odysseus gets to the palace and hugs the Queens knees, the mist then disappears and everyone shocked. Everyone begins to serve Odysseus and they all ask if he is a god, he tells them that he is not. When Queen Arete asks why he has her daughters clothes on he doesnt really know how to explain it to her. King Alkinoos offers Nausikaas hand in marriage, but Osysseus says no and thats okay cause the Kings men will take him home.
They King oreders his men to get the ship ready to take Odysseus home. Later they have a banquet and play games and tell stories.
Characters: Alkinoos, Arete, Nausikaa
Themes: Hospitallity and loyalty
Athena is in the place were Odysseus has crash landed and goes over to princess Nausikaa. She enters the girls dream as her friend and tells her that she needs to think about getting married. Then when Nausikaa goes down to the river to wash her clothes she finds Odysseus. He tells her his story and she decideds to help him. Nausikaa tells Odysseus about her people and takes him into to town were it all depends on the Queens anwser. So he wates out side in the garden and prays to Ahtena.
Odysseus is disguised in a cold of sea mist so no one can see him wander the streets. He meets up with Athena who is dressed as child and asks the little girl for directions. The little girl leads Odysseus to the palace and tells him about the land and the ruling family. The Queen is Arete and the King is Alkinoos. Odysseus gets to the palace and hugs the Queens knees, the mist then disappears and everyone shocked. Everyone begins to serve Odysseus and they all ask if he is a god, he tells them that he is not. When Queen Arete asks why he has her daughters clothes on he doesnt really know how to explain it to her. King Alkinoos offers Nausikaas hand in marriage, but Osysseus says no and thats okay cause the Kings men will take him home.
They King oreders his men to get the ship ready to take Odysseus home. Later they have a banquet and play games and tell stories.
Characters: Alkinoos, Arete, Nausikaa
Themes: Hospitallity and loyalty
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Prudence: noun; caution with regard to practical matters; discretion
Baleful: adjective; full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious
Libation: noun; a pouring out of wine or other liquid in honor of a deity
Precedence: noun; your better than everyone
Glutton: noun; a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously
Harangue: noun; a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe
Rapine: noun; the violent seizure and carrying off of another's property; plunder
Scion: noun; a descendant
Insidious: adjective; intended to entrap or beguile
Chastise: verb; to criticize severely
Succumb: verb; to give way to superior force; yield
Auspicious: adjective; promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable
Lucid: adjective; easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible
Audacity: noun; boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions
Baleful: adjective; full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious
Libation: noun; a pouring out of wine or other liquid in honor of a deity
Precedence: noun; your better than everyone
Glutton: noun; a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously
Harangue: noun; a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe
Rapine: noun; the violent seizure and carrying off of another's property; plunder
Scion: noun; a descendant
Insidious: adjective; intended to entrap or beguile
Chastise: verb; to criticize severely
Succumb: verb; to give way to superior force; yield
Auspicious: adjective; promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable
Lucid: adjective; easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible
Audacity: noun; boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions
Sunday, April 26, 2015
In books 1-4 we learn about Telemachoas and the idea of him becoming of age and trying to go find his father. In book one we learn that Telemachoas's father Odysseous, has been missing for like twetnty years. Since Odysseous is gone his wife Penelope is all alone at home. All these suitors come to their house and Telemachoas is mad becasue they are eating all his food, drinking all the wine, and trying to take his mother. Athena is there dressed as Mentes trying to help him. Telemachoas has a meeting with all the men in town to complain about the suitors. Later that night he meets with Athena and she tells him that he should go on a journey to find his father. So that night she goes out desgiused as Telemachoas and finds him a crew of men for the boat. Telemachoas first stop on his journey was Pylos, were he delivers a speech. We learn about how when Agamennon got home from Troy he was killed by his wife. Telemachoas also goes on a trip to Sparta. While in Sparta Menelaos is hosting double wedding party. His wife Helen drugs the mens wine with an an anodyne that makes them forget hoping to make them forget all their sorrows. The next day when Telemachoas is about to leave Menelaos gives him a silver bowl set. Penelope finds out about her sons voyage so she prays to Athena. Athena hears her and sends her an image of the queens sister. Penelope wakes up feeling refreshed and the suitors are outside waiting to ambush which won't go well for them.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
BOOK 1 and BOOK 2
In book one we lear that Poseidon the god of the sea holds a grudge against Odysseus, which makes his voage home really difficult. He has been gone for like twenty years and everyone at home assumes he is dead. Telemachos is Odysseus son and he is at home with his mother. They are having a feast and all these men are at their house trying to marry his mother, because of the money. Athena is there dressed as Mentes.
Telemachos calls a meeting with all the Ithakan men which is also the suitors. He complains about the suitors and how they have invaded his house, eaten all his food, have drunk all his wine, and tried to get with his mom. We also learn that he has really bad anger and no one challenges it except Antinoos the king. Telemachos blames all the suitors on his mom and how it is all her fault that they are at their house. At the end of the meeting Telemachos says a prayer an the one to hear it was Athena. So she comes down in disguise of a mentor, and tells him to prepare for a journey and he will find a ship. Telemochas then goes home and all of the suitors mock him, they keep this whole journey on the down low so Penelope doesn't find out. Athena goes around town as Telemachos and finds a group of good men for the crew of the ship. He then leaves for his journey.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Thesis and Order of Development
Teachers, the highly influential people that teach and help form the future generations make around $55,000 a year. Athletes, people who work hard and provide entertainment get paid in the millions each year. Teachers are of much more importance for our society and are getting paid minimum. Athletes today are playing more for the money and not the love of the game. Athletes are paid too much, and this is how it is harming to our society. First off most athletes are young, they make more money then some of the most important people in our country, and they don’t disserve to get paid that much.
Monday, March 2, 2015
1) Surmised- to think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess (verb)
2) Bounteous- giving or disposed to give freely; generous; liberal (adjective)
3) Consort-a husband or wife; spouse, especially of a reigning monarch(noun)
4) Corporal-of the human body; bodily; physical(adjective)
5) Prate- to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble(verb)
6) Dauntless-not to be daunted or intimidated; fearless; intrepid; bold(adjective)
7) Chastise-to discipline, especially by corporal punishment(verb)
8) Chalice-a drinking cup or goblet(noun)
9) Undivulged-to keep hidden(verb)
10) Surfeit- excess; an excessive amount(noun)
2) Bounteous- giving or disposed to give freely; generous; liberal (adjective)
3) Consort-a husband or wife; spouse, especially of a reigning monarch(noun)
4) Corporal-of the human body; bodily; physical(adjective)
5) Prate- to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble(verb)
6) Dauntless-not to be daunted or intimidated; fearless; intrepid; bold(adjective)
7) Chastise-to discipline, especially by corporal punishment(verb)
8) Chalice-a drinking cup or goblet(noun)
9) Undivulged-to keep hidden(verb)
10) Surfeit- excess; an excessive amount(noun)
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Scene 1
1) What do the nurse (gentlewoman) and the doctor see?
1) What do the nurse (gentlewoman) and the doctor see?
They have seen her rise from her bed, and they see her start to rub her hands together like she is washing them. Also, they hear her talking about Macbeth.
2) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!...will these hands never be clean.”
She keeps washing her hands but she can't seem to get the blood to go away.
3) What is wrong with Lady Macbeth at this point of the play?
With all that has happened Lady Macbeht is starting to become crazy. She can't stop thinking about all that they have done and how bad it was.
Scene 2
1) What happens in this scene? What new characters are introduced? Why?
Scene 2
1) What happens in this scene? What new characters are introduced? Why?
The soldiers are on their way to fight Macbeth. We are introduced to Menteith, Caithness, and Angus because they are all soldiers.
2) What is the significance of the scene?
They tell us about what is going on with the war and who is leading the war.
3) What is meant when Caithness says, “Some say he’d mad; others that lesser hate him do call it valiant fury”?
The ones who hate him are saying he has gone insane and the ones who like him just say he is mad.
Scene 3
1) How would you describe Macbeth’s attitude and mood in this scene?
Scene 3
1) How would you describe Macbeth’s attitude and mood in this scene?
He is confused on how someone can beat him because of what the witches told him, but he is ready to take on anyone who wants to fight him.
2) Why isn’t Macbeth afraid? Do his soldier’s seem afraid? Why or why not?
He isn't afraid because he knows that anyone born of a woman can't hurt him. His soilders are a little worried and think he has lost his mind. They have come to ocnclusions that they will die either way.
Scene 4
1) What does Malcolm order the soldiers to do?
He tells every soldier to break off a branch and hold it in front of him, so that way we can conceal ho wmany of them there are. Then Macbeths spies will give him inaccurate reports.
Scene 5
1) What is meant when Macbeth says, “She should have died here-after”?
Scene 5
1) What is meant when Macbeth says, “She should have died here-after”?
She was going to die later anyway.
2) What is the significant of the following quote, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is told no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.”
Life is nothing but an illusion, where people worry about things and then those things are to never be seen again.
Scene 6
1) What is important about this scene?
Scene 6
1) What is important about this scene?
It is important because the war starts
Scene 7
Scene 7
1) Who does Macbeth kill in this scene? What is significant about this death?
Macbeth kills Siwards son. It is significant because he was born of a woman so it helps calm Macbeth that no one born of a woman can hurt him.
Scene 8
1) What happens in this scene?
Scene 8
1) What happens in this scene?
Macduuff kills Macbeth
2) Why does Macbeth lose heart in the fight against Macduff?
He finds out that Macduff was not born of a woman because she has a c section.
3) Who is named king at the end of the play?
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Act 4
1) What are the four visions that Macbeth sees?
The first vision Macbeth has is a head with an armored helment, then he sees a bloddy child, then he sees a child with a crown on his head and a tree in his hand, his forth dream he sees eight kings.
2) Which visions does he misread or misunderstand and why?
Macbeth misleads the third vission because he thinks that the forest won't be able to fight him and he will stay king forever.
3) What news does Lennox bring Macbeth?
Lennox tells Macbeth that Macduff went to England.
4) What does Macbeth decide from Lennox’s news?
He will kill his own family or anyone that gets in his way really.
5) How might this scene be a possible climax for the play?
This scene could be the climax because the witches tell Macbeth everything that can happen, and then Macbeth goes crazy, because he doesnt want to lose his spot as King so he will kill anyone who gets in his way.
1) Why does Shakespeare include a scene with Lady Macduff and her son?
Shakespear included this scene to show us how Lady Macduff really feels about her husband, and she tells her son about him.
2) What is important about this scene?
It is important because its Lady Macduff telling her son about his traitor of a dad. Her son is then killed which starts the killing at the castle.
3) List one motif or symbol from this scene?
Lady Macduff is a symbol to a bird and how she needs to take care of her eggs, thats why when her son dies the murder calls him an egg.
1) Why has Macduff come to England?
Macduff goes to England so he can talk to Malcolm about Macbeth.
2) What is Malcolm’s fear in lines 10-19?
Malcom doesn't want to go back to England because he doesn't know wether to trust Macduff, and he thinks he is in a trap.
3) Who does the lamb represent in these lines?
The lamb represents Macduff.
4) What is significant in the lines “Angles are bright still, though the brightest fell./Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace,/ yet grace must still look so.”
They are compiaring Macbeth to Satan, because they were both the brightest angels and then they fell.
5) What is significant in the line, “Bleed, bleed, pour country!”
It is describing Scottland right now under Macbeths rule
6) What does Malcolm call Macbeth? What list of adjectives does he use?
Malcolm calls Macbeth the tyrant, and he uses the adjectives like murderous, lecherous, greedy, lying, deceitful, violent, malicious, and guilty of every sin.
7) How has Malcolm changed since Act II?
Malcolm went from a strong loyal leader to a scared little sixteen year old boy who is afraid of being king.
8) What is the atmosphere of this scene? Why is this important?
It is kind of like a powerful atmospher because the two boys are trying to think of a way to take over Macbeth, but know Malcolm doesn't to be king so they are stuck and don't know what to do.
9) What news does the doctor bring? How is this symbolic to the scene, especially to Malcolm?
The doctor comes and tells them about Macbeth and how sick people are lined up all around him waiting to be healed. Once he touches them they are healed instantly. It is symbolic because its saying that Macbeth is doing a great job while Malcolm is to scared to be king.
10) How many men did England lend Macduff?
England lend Macduff 10,000 men.
11) What does Macduff mean when he says, “But I must also feel it as a man.”
He needs to fight like a man but its hard for him to not remember all the awful things he has done.
1) What are the four visions that Macbeth sees?
The first vision Macbeth has is a head with an armored helment, then he sees a bloddy child, then he sees a child with a crown on his head and a tree in his hand, his forth dream he sees eight kings.
2) Which visions does he misread or misunderstand and why?
Macbeth misleads the third vission because he thinks that the forest won't be able to fight him and he will stay king forever.
3) What news does Lennox bring Macbeth?
Lennox tells Macbeth that Macduff went to England.
4) What does Macbeth decide from Lennox’s news?
He will kill his own family or anyone that gets in his way really.
5) How might this scene be a possible climax for the play?
This scene could be the climax because the witches tell Macbeth everything that can happen, and then Macbeth goes crazy, because he doesnt want to lose his spot as King so he will kill anyone who gets in his way.
1) Why does Shakespeare include a scene with Lady Macduff and her son?
Shakespear included this scene to show us how Lady Macduff really feels about her husband, and she tells her son about him.
2) What is important about this scene?
It is important because its Lady Macduff telling her son about his traitor of a dad. Her son is then killed which starts the killing at the castle.
3) List one motif or symbol from this scene?
Lady Macduff is a symbol to a bird and how she needs to take care of her eggs, thats why when her son dies the murder calls him an egg.
1) Why has Macduff come to England?
Macduff goes to England so he can talk to Malcolm about Macbeth.
2) What is Malcolm’s fear in lines 10-19?
Malcom doesn't want to go back to England because he doesn't know wether to trust Macduff, and he thinks he is in a trap.
3) Who does the lamb represent in these lines?
The lamb represents Macduff.
4) What is significant in the lines “Angles are bright still, though the brightest fell./Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace,/ yet grace must still look so.”
They are compiaring Macbeth to Satan, because they were both the brightest angels and then they fell.
5) What is significant in the line, “Bleed, bleed, pour country!”
It is describing Scottland right now under Macbeths rule
6) What does Malcolm call Macbeth? What list of adjectives does he use?
Malcolm calls Macbeth the tyrant, and he uses the adjectives like murderous, lecherous, greedy, lying, deceitful, violent, malicious, and guilty of every sin.
7) How has Malcolm changed since Act II?
Malcolm went from a strong loyal leader to a scared little sixteen year old boy who is afraid of being king.
8) What is the atmosphere of this scene? Why is this important?
It is kind of like a powerful atmospher because the two boys are trying to think of a way to take over Macbeth, but know Malcolm doesn't to be king so they are stuck and don't know what to do.
9) What news does the doctor bring? How is this symbolic to the scene, especially to Malcolm?
The doctor comes and tells them about Macbeth and how sick people are lined up all around him waiting to be healed. Once he touches them they are healed instantly. It is symbolic because its saying that Macbeth is doing a great job while Malcolm is to scared to be king.
10) How many men did England lend Macduff?
England lend Macduff 10,000 men.
11) What does Macduff mean when he says, “But I must also feel it as a man.”
He needs to fight like a man but its hard for him to not remember all the awful things he has done.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Study Questions Act 2
Scene i
1) Who says the following: “Their candles are all out. Take thee that too. A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, and yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives away in repose.” What is significant about the quote? How has the atmosphere of the castle been changed?
Banquo says the following because he is afraid that nightmares are going to fill his dreams. The atmosphere of the castle went from happy to dark and gloomy.
2) Why does Banquo mention his dream of the Weird Sisters? Hint: Ironically this is his last dream.
Banquo dreams of the three weird sisters because he says that they are speaking some truth of what they last told Banquo and Macbeth.
3) What does Macbeth say he and Banquo will talk about later in private?
He says that they will talk later about his dream and the weird sisters predictions.
4) Reread lines 42-70. Briefly summarize what Macbeth is saying in this soliloquy.
He sees a dagger and the handle is pointing toward Duncan. The dagger is telling him to go kill the king. Macbeth then keeps telling himself that he is seeing things but it wont go away.
5) How does the illusion of the dagger play into the mindset of either witchcraft or Macbeth losing it.
It ties into the witchcraft because they tell Macbeth that he will be king and now all of a sudden the dagger is in front of him telling him that he needs to kill the king. So its like putting a spell on Macbeth so its most likely related to witch craft.
Scene ii
1) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold”?
The drink that made the guards drunk has made her stronger and brave.
2) Symbolically what does the fatal bellman toll? More than one thing here. And who is the fatal bellmen—the one Lady Macbeth hears?
The owl is a bad omen that rings bells outside of prisoners tombs who have been sentenced to death. The fatal bellman would be the owl and Macbeth.
3) How do you read the lines, “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done ‘t.” What does this say about Lady Macbeth?
It was reminding her of her father, and if he didn't look like he father she wouldn't kill him or she would have someone else kill him for her.
4) Sleep is an important symbol in this play. Please keep a list of all the times (with line numbers) that sleep is mentioned in Act II. Attach and turn this list in with these questions.
5) What is meant when Macbeth says, “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep”?
Macbeth killed Duncan while he was sleeping, so therefor he will not be able to sleep. So really Macbeth has murdered his own sleep.
6) Why is Lady Macbeth upset with Macbeth towards the end of scene ii?
Lady Macbeth is upset because Macbeth for got to leave the sword and smear the blood so it looked like the guards killed Duncan.
7) What is symbolic about the knocking that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hear?
It symbolizes god knocking on the door when someone dies.
8) What does Lady Macbeth say about washing of hands at the end of the scene? Do you believe her?
She thinks by washing her hands it will take away the sins of her murder. No because people will still think she is suspicious.
Scene iii
1) How is the Porter a humorous character? What does he say about drink? How does he metaphorical set the atmosphere of the scene?
The Porter is a humorous character because he is drunk, he says that drinking makes people happy, urine, and sleep.
2) Who is at the gates? (more than 1 person)
Macduff and Lennox
3) What does Macduff mean when he says, “Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!”?
He is confused because everything was going so great and now the king has just been killed.
4) How does Macbeth react to the news of the king’s murder? How does Lady Macbeth react?
Macbeth says that he kills the guards, and Lady Macbeth reacts to the news by fainting, and then people have to help her up.
5) Where do Donalbain and Malcolm decide to go? Why?
Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland because the dad just got killed so the next ones to be killed will be the rest of the family.
Scene iv
1) What is meant by the old man when he says, “On Tuesday last, a falcon, tow’ring in her pride of place, was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed”? What is symbolically suggested here? Hint: Relate the birds to scene ii.
A falcon(majestic bird) was killed by the owl. This is saying the king was just killed by Macbeth.
2) What does Macduff say about Malcolm and Donalbain?
He says that they ran away, so it is putting suspicion of the deed among them.
3) What does Macduff say about Macbeth?
He is going to be crowned.
4) What is meant by the line, “Lest our old robes sit easier than our new”?
He thinks that Duncan is a better king than Macbeth.
5) Why doesn’t Macduff go to the coronation?
1) Who says the following: “Their candles are all out. Take thee that too. A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, and yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives away in repose.” What is significant about the quote? How has the atmosphere of the castle been changed?
Banquo says the following because he is afraid that nightmares are going to fill his dreams. The atmosphere of the castle went from happy to dark and gloomy.
2) Why does Banquo mention his dream of the Weird Sisters? Hint: Ironically this is his last dream.
Banquo dreams of the three weird sisters because he says that they are speaking some truth of what they last told Banquo and Macbeth.
3) What does Macbeth say he and Banquo will talk about later in private?
He says that they will talk later about his dream and the weird sisters predictions.
4) Reread lines 42-70. Briefly summarize what Macbeth is saying in this soliloquy.
He sees a dagger and the handle is pointing toward Duncan. The dagger is telling him to go kill the king. Macbeth then keeps telling himself that he is seeing things but it wont go away.
5) How does the illusion of the dagger play into the mindset of either witchcraft or Macbeth losing it.
It ties into the witchcraft because they tell Macbeth that he will be king and now all of a sudden the dagger is in front of him telling him that he needs to kill the king. So its like putting a spell on Macbeth so its most likely related to witch craft.
Scene ii
1) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold”?
The drink that made the guards drunk has made her stronger and brave.
2) Symbolically what does the fatal bellman toll? More than one thing here. And who is the fatal bellmen—the one Lady Macbeth hears?
The owl is a bad omen that rings bells outside of prisoners tombs who have been sentenced to death. The fatal bellman would be the owl and Macbeth.
3) How do you read the lines, “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done ‘t.” What does this say about Lady Macbeth?
It was reminding her of her father, and if he didn't look like he father she wouldn't kill him or she would have someone else kill him for her.
4) Sleep is an important symbol in this play. Please keep a list of all the times (with line numbers) that sleep is mentioned in Act II. Attach and turn this list in with these questions.
5) What is meant when Macbeth says, “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep”?
Macbeth killed Duncan while he was sleeping, so therefor he will not be able to sleep. So really Macbeth has murdered his own sleep.
6) Why is Lady Macbeth upset with Macbeth towards the end of scene ii?
Lady Macbeth is upset because Macbeth for got to leave the sword and smear the blood so it looked like the guards killed Duncan.
7) What is symbolic about the knocking that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hear?
It symbolizes god knocking on the door when someone dies.
8) What does Lady Macbeth say about washing of hands at the end of the scene? Do you believe her?
She thinks by washing her hands it will take away the sins of her murder. No because people will still think she is suspicious.
Scene iii
1) How is the Porter a humorous character? What does he say about drink? How does he metaphorical set the atmosphere of the scene?
The Porter is a humorous character because he is drunk, he says that drinking makes people happy, urine, and sleep.
2) Who is at the gates? (more than 1 person)
Macduff and Lennox
3) What does Macduff mean when he says, “Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!”?
He is confused because everything was going so great and now the king has just been killed.
4) How does Macbeth react to the news of the king’s murder? How does Lady Macbeth react?
Macbeth says that he kills the guards, and Lady Macbeth reacts to the news by fainting, and then people have to help her up.
5) Where do Donalbain and Malcolm decide to go? Why?
Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland because the dad just got killed so the next ones to be killed will be the rest of the family.
Scene iv
1) What is meant by the old man when he says, “On Tuesday last, a falcon, tow’ring in her pride of place, was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed”? What is symbolically suggested here? Hint: Relate the birds to scene ii.
A falcon(majestic bird) was killed by the owl. This is saying the king was just killed by Macbeth.
2) What does Macduff say about Malcolm and Donalbain?
He says that they ran away, so it is putting suspicion of the deed among them.
3) What does Macduff say about Macbeth?
He is going to be crowned.
4) What is meant by the line, “Lest our old robes sit easier than our new”?
He thinks that Duncan is a better king than Macbeth.
5) Why doesn’t Macduff go to the coronation?
He doesn't go because he suspicious of him.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Summary of Act 1
A lot happens in Act 1, we first meet the three witches and they talk about when they will meet again thunder, lighting, or, rain. We then learn about the battle scene and how Macbeth killed Macdonwald. In scene three Macbeth and Banquo meet the three witches. They explain to Macbeth that he will be King, so Macbeth instantly gets happy and doesn't really think about what they are talking about. Banquo on the other hand is told that his children will become kings. In scene four Malcolm gets named the kings successor, but Macbeth doesn't get upset because he is just happy to be working for the king. Lady Macbeth reads Macbeth's letter and then she thinks that Macbeth doesn't have what it takes to be king. She then makes he own plan to kill the king and wants Macbeth to just listen to her and follow her lead. The king then arrives, and Macbeth starts to doubt killing the king, but Lady Macbeth doesn't let him quite. He has to kill the king in order to be king himself.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Elements of Tragedy
1) Must have a tragic hero
2)Must be fated to fall
3)Internal and External conflict
4)Dramatic Foils
5)The audience learns something about the nature of human existence
Elements of Tragic Hero
1)Noble Birth
2)Loyal, virtuous, full of high morals
3)Tragic Flaw
4)Tragic flaw causes downfall
5)Audience learns something through the characters downfall
Dramatic Foils (definition): Two characters that contrast as a way to bring out their character traits (or personalities)
Macbeth/Banquo and Macbeth/ Lady Macbeth
List of Motifs from ACT 1.
BIRDS-Eagles, Sparrows, Marlet
*Fair is foul, Foul is fair*
The idea of things being planted or grown
Mirth and Liege
Hailey was unable to control her mirth after she missed he free throw.
Mason the liege of the kingdom through a party his 16 year-old daughter.
Mason the liege of the kingdom through a party his 16 year-old daughter.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
1. After Lady Macbeth reads the letter, what does she tell us is her opinion of Macbeth, and how does she plan to help him?
She worries if he has what it takes to be King, and she thinks he won't do what it takes to be King.
2. What is Lady Macbeth’s “prayer” to the spirits after she learns Duncan is coming to dinner?
She tells him to "unsex" her because she thinks that everything that makes her a woman would prevent her from killing Duncan.
3. What advice does Lady Macbeth give Macbeth when he arrives home?
She tells him to just follow her lead and stay quiet and leave the rest to her.
4. What are Macbeth’s arguments to himself against killing Duncan?
He doesn't do kill the king because he will have to live with the consequences for the rest of his liffe, and his job is to protect the king so he really should kill him.
5. What arguments does Lady Macbeth use to convince Macbeth to commit the murder?
Lady Macbeth tells him that he needs to be a man and do what it takes to kill the King.
6. What is Lady Macbeth’s plan?
She plans to kill Duncan, and blame it on the guards. She will get them drunk and smear blood on their face and then put the knife in their hand.
1) Mirth: Noun; gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter
2) Liege: Noun; a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service
3) Parricide:Noun; the act of killing one's father, mother, or other close relative
4) Verity: Noun; the state or quality of being true; accordance with fact or reality
5) Avarice: Noun; insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth
6) Avaunt: Adverb; away; hence
7) Posterity: Noun; succeeding or future generations collectively
8) Homage: Noun; respect or reverence paid or rendered
9) Cloistered:Adjective; secluded from the world; sheltered
10) Equivocator: Verb; to use ambiguous or unclear expressions; prevaricate or hedge
11) Eminence: Noun; high station, rank, or repute
12) Avouch: Verb; to make frank acknowledgment or affirmation of; declare or assert with positiveness
13) Thralls: Noun; a person who is in bondage; slave
14) Malevolence: Noun; the quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent; ill will; malice; hatred.
She worries if he has what it takes to be King, and she thinks he won't do what it takes to be King.
2. What is Lady Macbeth’s “prayer” to the spirits after she learns Duncan is coming to dinner?
She tells him to "unsex" her because she thinks that everything that makes her a woman would prevent her from killing Duncan.
3. What advice does Lady Macbeth give Macbeth when he arrives home?
She tells him to just follow her lead and stay quiet and leave the rest to her.
4. What are Macbeth’s arguments to himself against killing Duncan?
He doesn't do kill the king because he will have to live with the consequences for the rest of his liffe, and his job is to protect the king so he really should kill him.
5. What arguments does Lady Macbeth use to convince Macbeth to commit the murder?
Lady Macbeth tells him that he needs to be a man and do what it takes to kill the King.
6. What is Lady Macbeth’s plan?
She plans to kill Duncan, and blame it on the guards. She will get them drunk and smear blood on their face and then put the knife in their hand.
1) Mirth: Noun; gaiety or jollity, especially when accompanied by laughter
2) Liege: Noun; a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service
3) Parricide:Noun; the act of killing one's father, mother, or other close relative
4) Verity: Noun; the state or quality of being true; accordance with fact or reality
5) Avarice: Noun; insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth
6) Avaunt: Adverb; away; hence
7) Posterity: Noun; succeeding or future generations collectively
8) Homage: Noun; respect or reverence paid or rendered
9) Cloistered:Adjective; secluded from the world; sheltered
10) Equivocator: Verb; to use ambiguous or unclear expressions; prevaricate or hedge
11) Eminence: Noun; high station, rank, or repute
12) Avouch: Verb; to make frank acknowledgment or affirmation of; declare or assert with positiveness
13) Thralls: Noun; a person who is in bondage; slave
14) Malevolence: Noun; the quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent; ill will; malice; hatred.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Scene 1-4
Scene 1
The three witches meet to talk about them meeting again.
Scene 2
The bloody captain speaks to Duncan, Malcolm, and Lennox, he has come to report the killing of Macdonwald by Macbeth.
Scene 3
Three witches meet with Macbeth and Banquo, and tell them what will happen in their future.
Scene 4
Duncan presents Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor.
The three witches meet to talk about them meeting again.
Scene 2
The bloody captain speaks to Duncan, Malcolm, and Lennox, he has come to report the killing of Macdonwald by Macbeth.
Scene 3
Three witches meet with Macbeth and Banquo, and tell them what will happen in their future.
Scene 4
Duncan presents Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Scene 1:
1) The play opens with thunder and lightning as the three witches enter. What does this tell us about the mood of the play? What do the witches symbolize beyond just superstition? Do you really believe that they are witches?
This tells us that the play is very dark. The witches symbolize evil beyond just superstition. Yes, because they can put spells on people and they can just disappear out of no where.
2) What doe the witches mean when they say, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”? What does this tell you about what is likely to go on during the play?
Appearance vs Reality, just because something seems to be fair doesn't mean it is. There will be a lot of conflict and jealousy through out the poem.
3) How can a battle be “Lost and won”? What foreshadow might this set-up? What is the real battle in this play?
You can win something but you could also lose something during the battle. The real battle is Macbeth struggle to get power and what he did to get his power. The battle for Macbeth's soul.
4) Graymalkin and Paddock are familiars (a cat and a toad). What does this suggest about the action of the play? What might they symbolize?
They could represent the types of witches they are and what kind of character they are. One could be a sneaky grey cat and the other could be a nasty toad the puts spells on people.
Scene ii
1) What does the bloody man report?
He tells them that when Macbeth killed Macdonwald it brought more problems among them. He says that when they sent out their Irish troops to run for cover it allowed the Norwegians to come out with new men and new weapons.
2) Why is Macdonwald a worthy rebel?
Because he is fearless
3) What similes or metaphors does the captain (the bloody man) use to describe Macbeth and Banquo? What is significant about these descriptions?
Captain describes them as eagles and lions.
4) “Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, or memorize another Golgotha.” What is the allusion? What is significant about the statement? What does it suggest? Please keep in mind the religious/superstitious images/symbols already presented.
It is an allusion to where christ was crucified. It suggests that it was like he just suffered all the pain christ had to go through. They are comparing the battle to where christ was crucified.
5) Who was Scotland fighting?
Scotland is fighting Norway.
Scene iii
1) Why do the witches talk in poetry?
The witches talk in poetry because when a witch usually casts a spell it is a rhyme, and poetry is just like rhyming.
2) What do the witches predict for Macbeth? What is the dramatic irony involved?
The predict that he will be King. He doesn't know that he is going to become thane of Cowdor.
3) What do they witches predict for Banquo? What irony is involved in this promise?
He will be happier but not the happiest. His offspring will become kings.
4) What is your first impression of Macbeth in scenes ii-iii? What is your first impression of Banquo?
My impression of Macbeth gullible and he will do anything to get his way, he just wants to be King. Banquo is very opposite of Macbeth, smart, and not easily convinced.
5) How do Macbeth and Banquo differ in their reactions to the witches predictions? What does this tell us about their characters?
Macbeth just listens to wait he is told and just believes them, but Banquo thinks about it more.
6) What message does Ross bring?
He comes to say that the King is proud of Macbeth for defending his country, and he is not even scared of death, but also beware of what the witches are telling them.
7) “But ‘tis strange! And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence.” Who speaks the above quote? What is the significance or meaning of the quote?
Banquo, and telling us not to give up..?
Scene iv
1) What is Malcolm’s description of Cawdor’s execution?
He died like he was tossing away his most cherished possession like it was a worthless peace of garbage.
2) What is the King’s response to this description?
The King replied with, you can't look at his face and be able to read his mind. The King had trusted Cawdor.
3) Who does the King name as his successor? How does Macbeth react to this information?
He names Malcolm as his successor. Macbeth replies by saying its a reward just getting to work for you.
4) “Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.” Who speaks this quote and what is the significance of it?
Macbeth speaks this line and the significance is that he is saying the stars are hiding back the bad things that no one can see of him.
1) The play opens with thunder and lightning as the three witches enter. What does this tell us about the mood of the play? What do the witches symbolize beyond just superstition? Do you really believe that they are witches?
This tells us that the play is very dark. The witches symbolize evil beyond just superstition. Yes, because they can put spells on people and they can just disappear out of no where.
2) What doe the witches mean when they say, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”? What does this tell you about what is likely to go on during the play?
Appearance vs Reality, just because something seems to be fair doesn't mean it is. There will be a lot of conflict and jealousy through out the poem.
3) How can a battle be “Lost and won”? What foreshadow might this set-up? What is the real battle in this play?
You can win something but you could also lose something during the battle. The real battle is Macbeth struggle to get power and what he did to get his power. The battle for Macbeth's soul.
4) Graymalkin and Paddock are familiars (a cat and a toad). What does this suggest about the action of the play? What might they symbolize?
They could represent the types of witches they are and what kind of character they are. One could be a sneaky grey cat and the other could be a nasty toad the puts spells on people.
Scene ii
1) What does the bloody man report?
He tells them that when Macbeth killed Macdonwald it brought more problems among them. He says that when they sent out their Irish troops to run for cover it allowed the Norwegians to come out with new men and new weapons.
2) Why is Macdonwald a worthy rebel?
Because he is fearless
3) What similes or metaphors does the captain (the bloody man) use to describe Macbeth and Banquo? What is significant about these descriptions?
Captain describes them as eagles and lions.
4) “Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, or memorize another Golgotha.” What is the allusion? What is significant about the statement? What does it suggest? Please keep in mind the religious/superstitious images/symbols already presented.
It is an allusion to where christ was crucified. It suggests that it was like he just suffered all the pain christ had to go through. They are comparing the battle to where christ was crucified.
5) Who was Scotland fighting?
Scotland is fighting Norway.
Scene iii
1) Why do the witches talk in poetry?
The witches talk in poetry because when a witch usually casts a spell it is a rhyme, and poetry is just like rhyming.
2) What do the witches predict for Macbeth? What is the dramatic irony involved?
The predict that he will be King. He doesn't know that he is going to become thane of Cowdor.
3) What do they witches predict for Banquo? What irony is involved in this promise?
He will be happier but not the happiest. His offspring will become kings.
4) What is your first impression of Macbeth in scenes ii-iii? What is your first impression of Banquo?
My impression of Macbeth gullible and he will do anything to get his way, he just wants to be King. Banquo is very opposite of Macbeth, smart, and not easily convinced.
5) How do Macbeth and Banquo differ in their reactions to the witches predictions? What does this tell us about their characters?
Macbeth just listens to wait he is told and just believes them, but Banquo thinks about it more.
6) What message does Ross bring?
He comes to say that the King is proud of Macbeth for defending his country, and he is not even scared of death, but also beware of what the witches are telling them.
7) “But ‘tis strange! And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence.” Who speaks the above quote? What is the significance or meaning of the quote?
Banquo, and telling us not to give up..?
Scene iv
1) What is Malcolm’s description of Cawdor’s execution?
He died like he was tossing away his most cherished possession like it was a worthless peace of garbage.
2) What is the King’s response to this description?
The King replied with, you can't look at his face and be able to read his mind. The King had trusted Cawdor.
3) Who does the King name as his successor? How does Macbeth react to this information?
He names Malcolm as his successor. Macbeth replies by saying its a reward just getting to work for you.
4) “Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.” Who speaks this quote and what is the significance of it?
Macbeth speaks this line and the significance is that he is saying the stars are hiding back the bad things that no one can see of him.
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