In chapter one it starts the story of with the grey building of only 34 stories, the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. It also tells us about the Worlds state motto community, identity, and stability. The director gives the students a tour of the building, while the students franticly put down everything he says on their notes. The director shows them the incubators and explains the Alphas, and Betas, and tells the students how the Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons are but through Bokanovsky's process which makes one fertilized egg divide until you get 96 human beings instead of one. All the eggs are grown in test tubes, and everyone is born into the world with what has been chosen for them. People who are meant to be stupid they get their oxygen cut off.
This world is very strange and I don't understand why they are growing human beings in test tubes? I don't understand how they could be so cruel and cut the stupid peoples oxygen off? This world doesn't really make sense and is still kind of confusing since we are only in chapter two.
We have met the students, the director, and Mr. Foster the assistant predestinator.
This chapter starts of with the director and the students going to the room named "Infant Nurseries. Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Rooms." There the nurses are dressed in the trousered and jacketed white viscose-liner uniform. The nurses set out bowls of roses and a dozen of colorful picture books. The babies crawl to play with the pedals and books until the director signals and the babies are electrocuted. Now the babies are crying and have no interest in the things. Next the director goes off about how they try to teach kids while they are sleeping. They try to teach the kids while the sleep after Reuben Rabinovitch was playing with a tape one night in bed that talked about the Nile River. The next morning he could repeat word for word the lecture he had heard about the Nile River.
Chapter 3 starts off with the students watching the naked children outside injoy the sunshine and play Centrifugal Bumble-puppy. There is a boy who refuses to play erotic games with a little girl, which in this world is normal. We are introduced to Mustapha Mond a world controller who is a man of middle height, black haired, with a hooked nose, full red lips, and eyes very piercing and dark. At the end of their shifts Henry Foster goes to the dressing room and starts talking about Lenina Crowne. Who Bernard Marx also likes. On the other hand Lenina and Franny are talking about how Lenina shouldn't just be seeing Henry Foster, because in this world it is normal to be talking to more than one guy.
Allusions: Lenina is an allusion to Ladamer Lenin
Vocabulary: Surreptitious: secret or unauthorized
Viviparous: Bringing forth living young rather than eggs
Incongruous: Inappropriate
Pneumatic: pertaining to air, gases, or wind
Fairly good reading log entries so far!